We offer the following categories of membership, each with different options from which to choose. We also have a free Supporter level.
For members and supporters who would like to become active volunteers, the WESSA KZN Region is working on developing Green Matchmaking and Environmental Leadership programmes. For more information, download a Green Matchmaking form here.
Support African Wildlife & Environment (Est. 1946)
African Wildlife & Environment, WESSA’s much loved quarterly magazine, will celebrate 75 years in 2021. Moving with the times, it is now in digital format and provides insightful coverage of environmental issues across South Africa. With contributions from specialist writers, it is an informative and excellent educational resource suitable for senior primary through to adult.

If preferred, download a manual application form here and pay by direct deposit. Click on the following links to download information leaflets on the different membership categories.
General & Schools | Business | Friends Groups & Affiliates
EFT │ DIRECT DEPOSIT: Bank account details for direct payments.
Deposit reference: Name + MB number if an existing member.
Account: WESSA Membership
Bank: First National Bank
Branch & Number: Howick 22-07-25
Account Number: 62 219 969 732
Swift Code: FIRN ZA JJ
As a non-profit organisation we rely on the support of members, sponsors and the general public, and are most grateful for any donations. WESSA is a CIPC-registered Non-Profit Company and NPO, registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with Section 18A status
About WESSA Membership
Founded by a small group of concerned citizens in 1883, WESSA was formally established as the Wildlife Society in 1926. As WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa), we continue to be a membership-based organisation and throughout South Africa, our members initiate environmental projects and organise educational events and activities in their local communities. By joining WESSA, you will be helping to provide valuable support for these volunteer initiatives and will be part of a growing environmental network operating at a local community level via our branches, partners, business members, friends’ groups and affiliates.
WESSA members work to:
Protect and conserve natural habitats and biodiversity
Engage with individuals and communities to promote sustainable livelihoods
Create opportunities for social and economic upliftment through enviro education
Collaborate and network with groups and organisations with similar objectives
Raise awareness and promote public participation around key environmental issues
General & Schools 2020
All members receive:
Membership certificate
Quarterly digital African Wildlife, WESSA’s in-house magazine (excluding Basic level)
Activity newsflashes & e-newsletters
S18A Tax Receipt for additional donations
In addition:
School Members qualify for discounted membership and use of the WESSA School Member logo.
Special Sponsors Members receive an S18A Tax Receipt for the full amount of their contribution plus complimentary membership, quarterly issues of digital African Wildlife and Certificate of Appreciation.
Supporters receive: Letter of Acknowledgment │ Activity newsflashes & newsletters.
Business membership includes the following:
Membership annual subscription
WESSA business member logo according to the level of membership subscribed to, which may be used on your company letterhead, website and other marketing materials
Certificate of Appreciation
Acknowledgement of support on the WESSA life portal and in the WESSA Annual Review
Quarterly digital issues of WESSA’s in-house magazine, African Wildlife & Environment
E-newsletters and newsflashes
Staff of business members can sign up as free WESSA supporters to receive newsletters and newsflashes about events and activities. They also qualify for a discounted rate should they wish to become full WESSA members.
Payment preference: Please note that there are two payment options available as follows:
A tax invoice for the membership fee of R 1 500 and a Section 18A Tax Receipt for the contribution amount
A tax invoice for the full amount.
WESSA is a Section 21 Company registered as an Incorporated Association not for gain
WESSA is an accredited facilitator of Socio Economic Development and more than 89% of the direct
beneficiaries of WESSA’s projects are Black South African citizens as defined by current B-BBEE legislation.
June 2020
Aims and objectives of Friends Groups & Affiliates: Friends Groups affiliated to WESSA encourage collaborative citizen efforts in caring for the Earth. Friends are volunteers who band together to conserve, rehabilitate or prevent inappropriate developments in natural or semi-natural areas or places of special interest. These areas can be large formalised nature areas or small informal pockets of terrestrial and/or aquatic environments in various states of conservation worthiness.
Affiliation to WESSA of independent environmental groups or organisations: Independent, environment-based, non-profit organisations with the same or similar aims as those of Friends Groups may become affiliate members of WESSA, thus strengthening the conservation movement. Groups caring for monuments, sites of historical, archaeological or cultural importance, and other similar, community-based initiatives may also apply to become affiliate members.
The cost of affiliation is R 450.00 per annum, which includes quarterly digital issues of WESSA’s in-house magazine, African Wildlife & Environment
WESSA Friends Group and Affiliate members qualify for:
Use of the WESSA Friends Group or Affiliate member logo,
Newsletters and activity newsflashes.
Members of affiliates can sign up as free WESSA supporters to receive newsletters and newsflashes about events and activities.
They also qualify for a discounted rate should they wish to become full WESSA Members.